Ayres Sensory Integration 2020 Vision - Focused on scholarship, assessment and training, the ASI 2020 Vision is to strengthen and solidify the international presence of Ayres Sensory Integration. I participate in, support and promote this important project through my involvement in developing trainings and assessment tools (EASI).
The Evaluation of Ayres Sensory Integration (EASI) - Goal #2 of the ASI 2020 Vision. I have been on the development team as Communications Coordinator, a lead field and pilot tester and am leading the North American Regional normative data collection team in 2018.
Beta testing and consulting with NOTA online documentation system.
Baltazar Mori, A., Carrasco Koester, A., Holland, D., Fernandes, P., Gray Rogers, R., Smith Roley, S., Soechting, E., & VanJaarsveld, A. (2017). Building competency in SI: Evidence-based guidelines for occupational therapy using Ayres Sensory Integration®. OT Practice, 22(12), 8–13.
Baltazar Mori, A., Champagne, T., & May-Benson, T. A. (2017) Occupational therapy using a sensory integration–based approach with adult populations. American Occupational Therapy Association.
Watling, R. & Baltazar Mori, A. (2017). Frequently asked questions about: Ayres Sensory Integration. American Occupational Therapy Association.
Baltazar Mori, A., Clippard, H., del Pilar Saa, M., & Pfeiffer, B. (2016). A review of pediatric assessment tools for sensory integration. SIS Quarterly Practice Connections. 1(3), 7–9.
Baltazar Mori A. (Rev). (2015). Fact Sheet: Addressing sensory integration and sensory processing disorders across the lifespan: the role of occupational therapy. American Occupational Therapy Association.
Koester, A. C., Mailloux, Z., Coleman, G. G., Mori, A. B., Paul, S. M., Blanche, E., ... Cermak, S. A. (2014). Sensory integration functions of children with cochlear implants. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 68, 562– 569.
Mailloux, Z., Lea˜o, M., Becerra, T. A., Mori, A. B., Soechting, E., Roley, S. S., …Cermak, S. A. (2014). Modification of the postrotary nystagmus test for evaluating young children. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 68, 514–521.
Baltazar Mori, A. & Bonfield Piantanida, D. (2007). Every Child Wants to Play: Simple and Effective Strategies for Teaching Social Skills. Torrance, CA: Pediatric Therapy Network.
Baltazar, A. & Bax, B. E. (2004, March). Writing social stories for the child with sensory integration dysfunction: An introductory resource and guide for therapists, teachers and parents. Sensory Integration Special Interest Section Quarterly, 27, 1-3.
Contributing Author: Guidelines for Occupational and Physical Therapy in California Public Schools, 2nd Edition. (2010). California Department of Education. Sacramento